Brown Skinned Girls: Two Evenings Of Short Plays

31 Jan - 1 Feb

Over two evenings, the Hepburn Hooks Theatre Company will take you on a tender and thrilling journey that explores BIPOC femininity and creativity in all its beauty, struggles and challenges, with humour and panache.

Night One:
Monsters Over The Bed by Kiran Benawra, dir. Yiqiang Li
After turning thirty and realising she’s has enough of her day to day life, Luna decides to move in with the Monster living under her childhood bed. Will he be just like she remembered?

Be My Qur’antine by Yu-Li Alice Shen, dir. Zen Addai
After curfew on what could be the last night of their lives, two estranged friends meet to play kickball and question the hereafter.

Take The Next Left by Sinead M Taylor, dir. Yiqiang Li
Liam, planning his escape from Liverpool, takes a taxi ride that changes his life when he suddenly realises that his taxi driver is him from the future and he is not happy with the choices that Liam has made.

and if we can’t be happy in paradise by Hannah Ali Khan, dir. Destiny Williams
‘and if we can’t be happy in paradise’ follows two brown girls, Hazeema and Ayesha, who are secretly in a relationship but not out to anyone else, in the final moments of a school trip to the beach.

Night Two:
The Woes of Philip Larkin by Shapour Benard, dir. Zen Addai
Alika, a primary school teacher, has had a run in with her Principal about a boy who Alika suspects is being abused, resulting in a two day suspension.

Hate of Play by Elizabeth Parikh, dir. Destiny Williams
A comedic two-hander between two women- an interviewer and interviewee, who are stuck in a lift after their interview.

Sweetie’s Confession by Marlow Wyatt, dir. Marie Mayingi
A young executive goes to confession after suppressing years of racism at her prestigious job causes her to snap.

BLUE EYES by Ruth D’Silva, dir. Marie Mayingi
Esther, an Anglo-Indian woman, is clingy with white people. She clings to them in order to survive a racist, classist society. Esther seeks help in therapy with John, a renowned psychotherapist.

We are a Black, queer, female-led company, but make no mistake about it: we wish to hear and tell any and all stories that strike a cord, start a debate and ask tough, harrowing questions! The Hepburn Hooks Theatre Company was founded by Marie Mayingi, a French-born playwright and law graduate who is currently studying Writing at the Royal College of Art.

Follow us at @hepburnhookstheatreco on instagram.

Creative and Artistic Direction: Marie Mayingi
Visual Communication and Design: Dimitris Dimarelos

The writers:
Kiran Benawra: @kiranbenawra
Shapour Benard: n/a
Ruth D’Silva: @RuthDSilva2
Hannah Ali Khan: @HannahAliKhan
Elizabeth Parikh: @hygge_space
Yu-Li Alice Shen: @alice_in_punderland (instagram)
Sinead M Taylor: @sinead_marie_xo (instagram)
Marlow Wyatt: @marlowwrites (instagram)

The directors:
Zendell Addai: n/a
Yiqiang ‘Summer’ Li: n/a
Marie Mayingi: @hoescarwilde (instagram)
Destiny Williams: @_destinywilliams (instagram) – @olamproductions (instagram)

The Production Consultants:
Nicholas Gambin: @nickygambin (instagram)
Lessia Ledi Mbala: n/a

(A photo gallery will be available shortly on and @hepburnhookstheatreco on instagram)