Revolting Women

16 Feb - 16 Feb

Watch and listen with us to those who inspired the shift in representation for women in music, which has encouraged the revival of underrepresented artists and composers being at the forefront of performance. Featuring pieces by; Suffragette Ethel Smyth, Clara Schumann, Althea Talbot-Howard, Irma Uteaga and contemporaries like Cecilia Mcdowall. Six local emerging musicians amplify female artistic voices for a wider audience.

All proceeds of this concert will go directly to support The Space as a community centre of arts and performance.

Performers: Matilda Dawes, Juliet Beadle, Clare Henley, Lily Skinner, Freddie Ingles and Francesca Lauri Menta

“I must not think of thee; and, tired yet strong” – Alice Meynell