Letters To The Earth

The Space will be joining the national cultural response to the climate and ecological emergency in reading ‘Letters To The Earth’.

Organised by members of the creative industries – including actors, directors and playwrights – the ‘Letters To The Earth’ project is the beginning of a wider campaign which calls on culture to do its part to tell the truth about the climate and ecological crisis and take necessary action.

We are facing an unprecedented global emergency, the planet is in crisis and we are in the midst of a mass extinction event. Scientists believe we have entered a period of abrupt climate breakdown.

In October 2018, the International Panel on Climate Change reported that we only have 12 years to change how we live, globally. That doesn’t mean that we have to act in 12 years-time – it means we have to act now to avert disaster, and already we are behind.

People have been invited to write letters in response to this crisis.

“This could be a letter to or from the Earth, future or past generations, those who hold positions of power and influence, other species. The idea is open to interpretation: it can come from a personal place, be dramatic in form, be a call to action.”

To find out how to submit a letter, please click here.

The ‘Letters To The Earth’ will be presented as part of a ‘day of joint action’ on Friday 12 April across theatres, arts venues and community spaces nationwide.

9:30 pm

12th April
