The Suicide reviews are in!

Broadway Baby describe Space Productions’ The Suicide as ‘A wonderfully rich play…with it’s surprise ending being just a moment of genius’.  The play is a dark comedy with a very grave theme and it seems we’ve succeeded in conveying this as the review also adds it has ‘Plenty of laughs as well as a serious underlying message’.  This is also picked up in our review from Views from the Gods, who describe it as ‘a thought-provoking work, staged with all the humour that can be possibly packed in’.  Views from the Gods also call the piece ‘deeply relevant’ and ‘great fun to watch’!
Our incredibly talented and committed ensemble comes in for some praise from A Younger Theatre – ‘strange relationships and status struggles are explored beautifully by the cast’.
You can read the full reviews by following these links:-
But be warned, some of them contain the odd spoiler!
In the interest of openness, we feel it’s only right to share our more lukewarm reviews with you!
Despite some reservations, What’s on Stage describe the piece as ‘sharp and brilliantly witty’, ‘a tight stab at a broken system’ and ‘a decent helping of liverwurst’! Whilst the Public Reviews call it ‘satisfying to watch’ and say that ‘Lucy Frederick as Serafima is fabulous, achieving great things with her expressive face and befuddled movement.’
We urge you to come and make your own mind, book tickets here!